Últimes publicacions d’Institut Marquès

La qualitat de les publicacions anuals que realitzen els nostres metges fa possible que la seva difusió sigui notable. Les publicacions científiques de la Dra. Marisa López-Teijón, Directora de l’Institut Marquès,  han aconseguit un Índex d’Impacte (31,40) que la situa entre els millors investigadors: La puntuació que li atorga la plataforma científica Research Gate la situa per sobre del 90% de percentil. Amb 54 articles publicats, el seu treball ha estat citat en 359 ocasions amb prop de 4.733 lectures. Segons la plataforma científica Research Gate es troba situada entre el 10% dels científics més rellevants del món. Al 2019 va ser premiada com a Metge de l’any en Reproducció Assistida.

Les nostres últimes publicacions són:

  • Human Reproduction, Volume 36, Issue Supplement_1, July 2021. García, F; Montalvo,V; García-Faura, A; Marquès, B;. López-Teijón, M. “Endocrine disrupting toxic chemical affect the development of the male reproductive system but do not appear to affect the female reproductive system”. 37th Annual Meeting of ESHRE 26 junio-1 julio 2021.
  • Human Reproduction, Volume 36, Issue Supplement_1, July 2021. Montalvo,V; Massó, J; García-Faura, A;. Marquès, B;. López-Teijón, M. “Assisted hatching does not improve live birth rates, a prospective double-blinded randomized study”. 37th Annual Meeting of ESHRE 26 junio-1 julio 2021.
  •  Human Reproduction, Volume 36, Issue Supplement_1, July 2021. Montalvo,V; Massó, J; García-Faura, A;. Marquès, B;. López-Teijón, M.. “Air quality oscillations inside the IVF laboratory do not affect clinical outcomes”. 37th Annual Meeting of ESHRE 26 junio-1 julio 2021.
  •  Human Reproduction, Volume 36, Issue Supplement_1, July 2021. Farreras,A;. Montalvo,V; Massó, J; García-Faura, A;. Marquès, B;. López-Teijón, M. “Ambient light intensity and wavelength in the IVF laboratory does not affect life birth rates”. 37th Annual Meeting of ESHRE 26 junio-1 julio 2021.
  • Human Reproduction, Volume 36, Issue Supplement_1, July 2021. García, F; Montalvo,V; García-Faura, A;. Marquès, B;. López-Teijón, M. “Patient’s pregnancy rates after IVF fresh embryo transfer positively correlates to the number of visual connections to live blastocyst development images of own embryos”. 37th Annual Meeting of ESHRE 26 junio-1 julio 2021.
  • Human Reproduction, Volume 36, Issue Supplement_1, July 2021 Munuera,A; Montalvo,V; Massó, J; García-Faura, A;. Marquès, B;. López-Teijón, M. “Multinucleation and reverse cleavage, sings of early embryo self-repair mechanisms” 37th Annual Meeting of ESHRE 26 junio-1 julio 2021.
  • F. García. Ponente en la Conferencia: SARS Cov2: ¿Impacto en el sistema reproductivo masculino? 1as Jornadas Virtuales Grupos de Interés SEF. 19 y 20 de mayo de 2021.
  • López-Teijón. M. Ponente Invitada: 1eras Jornadas Virtuales en Fertilidad Fertypharm. 28 y 29 septiembre 2021.
  •  F. García. Ponente Mesa 2. XV Reunión Ibérica: SARS-CoV-2: ¿Impacto en el sistema reproductivo masculino? 20 Congreso Nacional de Andrología y XV Reunión Ibérica. 21-23 de octubre de 2021. Madrid.
  •  F. García. Ponente Mesa. Fragmentación del ADN Espermático. ¿Cuándo pedirla?, ¿Cómo tratarla? 20 Congreso Nacional de Andrología. 20 Congreso Nacional de Andrología y XV Reunión Ibérica. 21-23 de octubre de 2021. Madrid. F. García. Ponente Conferencia: Papel del Andrólogo en una Unidad de Infertilidad: ¿Avanzamos? 2º Congreso Nacional Virtual de Urología. 8 al 12 de noviembre 2021
  • Dr. Borja Marqués autor principal. Fetal Diagnosis and Therapy, Enero 2020 Cytogenetic Investigation in 136 Consecutive Stillbirths: Does the Tissue Type Affect the Success Rate of Chromosomal Microarray Analysis and Karyotype?”
  • Buonomo Barbara, Orecchia Roberto, Tomao Federica, Del Pup Lino, Garcia-Faura Alex and A Peccatori Fedro. E-Cancer Journal, Mayo 2020 “Uterine irradiation as a determinant of infertility and pregnancy losses in young cancer survivors”
  • García José, Ferran, G Álvarez González, Juan; Corral Molina, Juan Manuel; Bassas Arnau; Lluís, et al. “SARS-CoV-2 infection: implications for sexual and reproductive health. A position statement of the Asociación Española de Andrología, Medicina Sexual y Reproductiva (ASESA)” DOI: 10.1016/j.androl. Junio 2020.
  • Munuera,A; Novo,S; Almenara, L; García-Faura; A. Marquès; B. García, F; Castelló, C. López-Teijón, M. “Embryos excluding multinucleated cells during blastocyst formation increase their reproductive potential”. Human Reproduction, Volume 35, Issue Supplement_1, July 2020.
  • Massó, J; Novo,S.; Moens, V.; García-Faura, A.;Marquès, B.; García, F.; Castelló, C.; López-Teijón, M “Direct cleavage in late stages of embryo progression does not affect in vitro development, ploidy nor the reproductive potential of human embryos”. Human Reproduction, Volume 35, Issue Supplement_1, July 2020.
  • Encinas, C., Novo, S., Brualla, A., García-Faura, A., Marquès, B., García, F., Castelló, C., López-Teijón, M. “Cleavage biopsy, same results as trophectoderm biopsy but without mosaicism” Human Reproduction, Volume 35, Issue Supplement_1, July 2020.
  • Lopez-Teijón, M., Walker, V., Castelló, C., Marqués, B., Garcia, F., Novo, S., García-Faura, A. “Analysis of the outcomes chosen by european patients for their surplus embryos, taking into account all possible options available in Spain” Human Reproduction, Volume 35, Issue Supplement_1, July 2020.
  • Marquès, B., García-Faura, A., Novo, S., García, F., Castelló, C., López-Teijón, M. “How many donor eggs are needed in an egg donation IVF Cycle?” Human Reproduction, Volume 35, Issue Supplement_1, July 2020.
  • Ferreras, A.,Munuera, A., Freijomil, B., Novo, S., García-Faura, A., Marquès, B., García, F., Castelló, C., López-Teijón, M. “Sperm selection using microfluidic sorting chips in patients with high DNA fragmentation improves clinical outcomes in Egg-Donor Cycles” Human Reproduction, Volume 35, Issue Supplement_1, July 2020.
  • Montalvo, V., Novo, S., García-Faura, A., Marquès, B., García, F., Castelló C., López-Teijón, M. “Pulling vs Flicking. Does biopsy technique affect clinical outcomes on euploid embryos?” Human Reproduction, Volume 35, Issue Supplement_1, July 2020.
  • M. Capdevila, S. Novo, J. Massó, M. Solans, B. Freijomil, C. Castelló, M. López-Teijón. “Impact of reverse cleavage on in vitro development and reproductive outcomes of human embryos”. Hum Repr 2019 Jun; 34 (Suppl1): i51
  • Scarica, V. Montalvo, S. Novo, C. Castelló, M. López-Teijón “Mosaicism in human blastocysts and technical factors of laser trophectoderm biopsy”. Hum Repr 2019 Jun; 34 (Suppl1): i390
  • V. Montalvo, S. Novo, J. Massó, B. Freijomil, M. Solans, C. Castelló, M. Lopez-Teijon. “Mosaic embryo rate decreases with maternal age but mitotic error remains constant in embryos derived from euploid oocytes.” Hum Repr 2019 Jun; 34 (Suppl1): i377
  • Freijomil, B. Pujal, A. Munuera, M. Solans, J. Massó, C. Castelló, F. García, M. López-Teijón. “Home sperm freezing kit achieves same sperm quality after thawing” Hum Repr 2019 Jun; 34 (Suppl1): i161
  • Garcia-Faura, V. Moens, M. Lopez-Teijon. “Fetal facial expression in response to intravaginal emission of different types of music” Ultrasound in Obst & Gyn 2019 Oct; 54(S1): 239

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