The Website of Instituto Marquès is the property of Institut Marquès, Obstetricia i Ginecologia, S.L. domiciled at Avenida Diagonal, 662-664 with Company Tax ID Number B-62187323 executed through a public deed granted before the Public Notary Mr.Tomás Giménez Duart and recorded in the «Registro Mercantil de Barcelona», in Volume 32740, folio 10, sheet number B-215492, 1st entry.
Any links used in this Website are provided for the use and convenience of the visitor. The existence of a link does not necessarily constitute approval or recommendation of it, nor does it imply that the linked Website has any relationship to Instituto Marquès. It is the responsibility of the user to take his or her own decisions as to whether the information on external Websites linked to this one is accurate, up to date, reliable and correct
Institut Marquès gives access to information on its activities, products and services by means of this Website. The entire content of the pages of our Website are the sole and exclusive property of Institut Marquès. All industrial and intellectual rights are reserved. Institut Marquès will not be held responsible under any circumstances for the content or the opinions expressed by users through our online services. Access to the content of the Website does not imply the concession of a licence to use these rights and therefore, without the express authorization in writing of its owners any reproduction, modification, distribution or public communication of it is strictly forbidden, in accordance with current Spanish legislation.
When accessing or using this Website, the user must observe its Terms of Navigation and specific warnings or instructions for accessing or using data contained in the Website. The user must act according to law, practice and good faith at all times, with all the due diligence that corresponds to the nature of the information, declarations or any other content or services he or she may use. The user is not able to make any changes or modifications to the information, declarations or other content or services that appear on this Website, nor in any way damage its integrity or functioning.
In compliance to Spanish Organic Law 15/1999 of 13 December, pursuant to the Personal Data Protection (abbreviated as LOPD), we inform you that the personal data you provide are included in the files owned by Instituto Marquès. By sending us a form you expressly agree that such data can be processed to contact you electronically by e-mail, or for any of the following purposes: respond to requests for information, queries and/or registering in any of our activities, subscribing to newsletters and/or ensure appropriate care in the phases of your treatment process.
We inform you that you can exercise your right to access, correct, cancel and oppose your personal data included in our files at any time by contacting:
Personal data such as your name and e-mail address will not be used for purposes that are not related to or the activities conducted by Instituto Marquès. We will not provide your personal data to third parties for marketing purposes under any circumstances.
Some areas of the site may be accessible only after registration. Since verification to confirm whether a person is authorized to access the contents of the site is performed by verifying the cookie during the visit, cookies must be accepted to allow use of this site. Nevertheless, after visiting Instituto Marquè, you are free to remove this cookie from your computer.
A central user registration database is used for user registration. The personal information that you provide will allow us to offer customised user information that is adapted to your needs and interests. The site operations data will be analysed without linking to personally identifiable data whenever possible. has security measures to protect loss, improper use and changes to personal data that are controlled by you. In addition, we strongly recommend that you do not disclose your user name and password to anyone. The site registration data is stored on a secure server located behind a firewall after you visit The firewall has been designed to block access to the data from outside the site.
Nevertheless, you should remember that Internet is a publicly accessible system. Whenever information is made available to you on line, it is at your risk, since it could be lost during transmission or processed by unauthorized third parties.