It’s an IVF treatment with eggs from our donors. It’s recommended when the quality of oocytes and semen it’s not high to have evolutionary perspectives on pregnancy.
At Institut Marquès we have launched a new programme for Donor Egg IVF. With the commitment to offer a minimum of two embryos of the best quality, the “Egg donation IVF programme with two blastocysts guarantee” includes everything necessary to achieve pregnancy.
Pregnancy rates mean pregnancies achieved with embryos coming from an egg collection.
This includes the transfer of fresh embryos as well as the possible transfers of frozen embryos.
Physician of the Year in Assisted Reproduction 2019
Dr. Marisa López-Teijón’s opinion
“We have been seeing many patients who have not become pregnant after cycles of treatment with egg donation in clinics where they were “ensured” a high number of eggs or even a certain number of blastocysts. Offering or ensuring many eggs or blastocysts leads to worse pregnancy rates, because in order to get what was promised, eggs and blastocysts of poor quality are considered as good ones. Blastocysts of bad quality, which do not implant and can lead to micro-miscarriages, should not be cryopreserved, let alone perform cryotransfer cycles with them”.Read more.
What does the first IVF appointment entail?
An interview with an IVF specialist and another with an embryologist. The IVF specialist will tell you what treatment you need to take and the embryologist will explain to you all the laboratory procedures that will be performed.
Tests that need to be done.
Signing of the Consent Form for the specific assisted reproduction technique. By signing the Consent Form, patients agree that they have been fully informed about all the medical, biological, legal, ethical and economic matters related to their specific treatment and that they willingly accept the conditions stated in the Consent Form.
Instructions for the medication to be administered.
Selection of the most suitable day to start the treatment.
Fresh donor egg treatment. When does the second appointment take place?
Your uterus is prepared for embryo transfer using a medication that thickens the endometrium in synchrony with the donor stimulation cycle. Ideally, when the oocyte retrieval in the donor is performed, your uterus will be ready to receive the embryos five days later. Only one ultrasound is required to monitor whether your uterus is ready to receive the embryos. This ultrasound is usually performed in your country.
Should a semen sample be frozen at the first appointment?
Yes. We strongly recommend to freeze a semen sample from your partner at the first appointment. This way, you don’t have to come back until the day of the embryo transfer. Otherwise, your partner will have to come on the day of the retrieval to provide a semen sample having less days to book flights and hotels.
We collect the semen sample in UK, then we will send it to Barcelona where IVF will be performed. So you will need to travel to Barcelona just for transfer.
Which treatment should I have?
If you have your menstruation, a contraceptive pill is prescribed to inhibit ovarian function and to synchronise your cycle with that of the donor. Once synchronized, you will have a hormonal substitution treatment with estradiol patches, starting the same day the donor starts the stimulation. 7 to 9 days later you must have a scan done to check the thickness of the endometrium. Depending on the day we will do the transfer, we will tell you when to start 200 mg on progesterone every 8 hours.
What are the possible side effects of the treatment?
While taking the contraceptive pill it is common to have slight spotting. Usually this is not medically significant or problematic for the treatment. If you do experience any problems then let us know and we will tell you what to do. However, bleeding is important if it occurs whilst applying the patches. In this case always inform us.
What tests need to be performed before starting an IVF cycle with donor eggs?
Vaginal ultrasound.
Semen analysis..
Embryo transfer catheter test.
Personality matching
At Institut Marquès we carry out the matching between patients and donors in a careful and totally personalized way: it is a doctor who makes the selection taking into account the physical and psychological traits of both sides. Discover our new personality matching.