What lifestyle should be recommended between the transfer and the pregnancy test?
It is recommended to avoid physical exercise and intercourse. Other than that, the patient can have a normal life. Once the transfer is performed, if the patient feels good, it is not necessary to perform additional tests.
VERY IMPORTANT: After transfer in an egg donation cycle, the patient MUST NEVER stop the medication under any circumstances. If you have a question or a doubt, please ask your physician.
How can we know if the patient is pregnant?
Fifteen days after egg retrieval, a urine pregnancy test will be performed. It is very important to do this test even if the patient believes that she is having her menses. The patient should send the results immediately to our Center, preferably by email.
If the pregnancy test result is positive and the patient has undergone IVF with egg donation, the recipient should increase the dose of estradiol to Estraderm, 2 patches of 100 mg/4 days and 300 mg of Progesterone administered vaginally. This treatment should be maintained until 70 days after the pregnancy test. If the IVF cycle was with donor sperm, the patient must keep on taking Progesterone 600 mg/day (200 mg/8 hours) until the first ultrasound is performed.
Whenever you are due to stop the medications, you can safely stop them without any gradual reduction of doses.
When is the ultrasound performed?
The ultrasound should be performed approximately 15 days after the pregnancy test. It is very important for us to know the evolution of each patient. We want to know how the patient feels during her pregnancy, the ultrasound results during pregnancy, the delivery date and we also like to see the babies, even if it is just in a picture sent by e-mail.
What is the risk of multiple pregnancy?
Approximately 15% to 25 % of pregnancies after IVF result in multiple pregnancy. Most of them are twin pregnancies but there is also the chance, although very small, of a triplet pregnancy. In this case, embryo reduction should be considered.
What is the genetic risk of a pregnancy achieved by egg donation?
The genetic risk is related to the age of the egg donor. Therefore, these pregnancies have a very low genetic risk due to the fact that our donors are always under 35. We would only recommend amniocentesis if there is an associated male genetic factor.