Institut Marquès is an integrated center with a well-established, internationally recognized reputation in the field of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Assisted Reproduction. It was founded in Barcelona 100 years ago and has the accreditation granted by the Spanish Healthcare Authority to perform all Assisted Reproduction techniques allowed by the current legislation. Every year, hundreds of patients come to our Center from abroad hoping to achieve a pregnancy, mainly through In Vitro Fertilisation with Egg and/or SemenDonation. The majority of these patients come from the UK, France, Germany, Italy, the United States, Canada, South America, China and Arabian countries who are attracted by the high pregnancy rates and high quality of care offered at our Center. The results obtained at Institute Marquès are only comparable to those obtained at top IVF centers in the US and Europe, but at a more competitive price and with a lower multiple pregnancy rate .These results correspond to the official registry of Catalonia or FIV-CAT.
The international expansion of the Assisted Reproduction Unit begins with Dr. Marisa López-Teijón. After her appointment as CEO, Institut Marquès becomes a big company.
In 2022, Institut Marquès partners with FutureLife to develop its international project.
Our International Programme
The increasing demand from foreign couples has led us to develop a strong international programme which currently positions Institut Marquès as one of the top IVF clinics worldwide. The strength of our international programme, in addition to the high quality of care and excellent IVF results, relies on the fact that Spain has one of the most advanced assisted reproduction legislation in Europe. The recent legislation approved by the Spanish Parliament in May 2006 no longer limits the number of oocytes to be inseminated and allows for egg and semen donation in all women who may wish to do so, regardless of marital status and sexual orientation. Unlike other countries in Europe, egg and semen donation in Spain is anonymous and, therefore, the identity of the donor can never be revealed.
Who are our Donors
Thanks to the solidarity of hundreds of young Catalonian and foreign women who live in Barcelona, we currently have a large catalog of egg donors. These donors are mostly young university students who are carefully evaluated and selected by our Oocyte Donation Team. Donors and patients are carefully matched according to their phenotypical characteristics and blood group. This large catalog of egg donors at Institute Marques allows our programme to offer IVF treatments with egg donation without delay thus avoiding long waiting lists.
PGT – Preimplantation Genetic Test
In addition to the usual IVF treatments, Institut Marquès also offers a Preimplantation Genetic Test service for couples with recurrent miscarriage and repeated pregnancy failure in IVF, couples with advanced maternal age who want to optimize the chances of a pregnancy, as well as in all carriers of a genetic disease who wish to have healthy children free of these genetic anomalies.
We also offer you a permanent line of communication with your specialist at Institut Marquès either by telephone or e-mail. This will help answer any questions or doubts that you may have concerning your treatment process. Following the highly efficient protocol of our international programme, the majority of foreign couples manage to return to their country with an ongoing pregnancy after just two visits to our Center. The first one to establish the treatment course and the second one to transfer the embryos.
At Institut Marquès, every patient is approached in a personalized individual basis. Each case is discussed in clinical rounds by a team of experts with the common goal of achieving the best possible results. We also place special emphasis on the human component and personal support that our patients may need. For this purpose, we make available to our patients a team of psychologists specialized in Assisted Reproduction who, when necessary, will help alleviate any emotional tension generated by their infertility problem and encourage them to face their process in a positive way.