One of the main concerns of those who, in order to have a baby, need to resort to a treatment with egg or sperm donation is to achieve the highest degree of resemblance and affinity with the donor.
In Spain, donation is an altruistic and anonymous act, only the doctor who selects the donor knows his/her identity. Institut Marquès has its own bank of eggs and sperm, so that we know our donors personally.
At Institut Marquès we carry out the matching between patients and donors in a careful and totally personalized way: it is a doctor who makes the selection taking into account the physical and psychological traits of both sides.
Because the allocation of donors is very important for future parents, at Institut Marquès it is the doctor himself who selects the most appropriate for the patients. Only he can make the best decision, based on their physical characteristics and, from now on, also taking into account the hereditary traits of their personality
Thanks to a psychological test that is carried out to both patients and donors, at Institut Marqués we can perform a personality matching based on those hereditary characteristics that, in the clinical field, are known as “temperament”.
Temperament is inherited and character is modulated according to the environment and the education that the child receives. Together, both temperament and character will build what we call personality.
At Institut Marques, all semen and egg donors take this psychological test. The results will be compared with those of the mother-to-be in the case of In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) treatments with egg donation or with those of the future father in the case of Artificial Insemination or IVF treatments with semen donation.
Donors have to pass several medical tests to avoid hereditary diseases, and also a psychological one to confirm that their donation is a totally voluntary and a conscious act and to rule out possible psychological pathologies. Now, for the first time, Institut Marqués has incorporated its personality test that makes it possible to get to know them better and also take into account their dominant temperament.
This questionnaire, prepared by Institut Marqués, is based on the studies of Buss and Plomin and the Myers-Briggs test (MBTI). The results define attitude (introversion or extroversion), how to analyse or perceive the information of each person (sensory or intuitive), the way of making decisions (logical or emotional) and the interaction with the outside world (perception or judgment).
The conclusions are drawn through 20 questions to define strengths and 20 to define weaknesses. In this way each individual is classified into one of four large temperament groups: sensitive-creative, calm-practical, energetic-impatient and proactive-impulsive.