Early menopause, hormonal imbalance before 40 years old
The World Health Organization establishes early menopause (suffered by between 1% and 2% of the female population) to the one that shows up before 40 years old
Medically, menopause is considered the cessation of menstruation for a year without any other significant symptoms or not having menstruation for a period of 6 months, although with accompanying climateric symptoms (hot flashes, insomnia, etc.). The final confirmation will be obtained with the results of a hormone analysis, requested by the gynaecologist, in which an increase in FSH and an estradiol decreased will be appreciated.
The World Health Organization establishes early menopause (suffered by between 1% and 2% of the female population) to the one that shows up before 40 years old. It can occur suddenly or, most often, alternating short cycles with menstrual delays.
Enter in the menopausal stage is not easy for a woman, and even less if it occurs before turning 40 years old, as the symptoms are usually more intense. Frequently, this period lasts about five years in which occur many physical and emotional changes, and that means that the adjustment is not easy.
Symptoms are diverse. The most frequent ones are hot flushes, insomnia and mood swings. Night sweats, vaginal dryness, pain when practicing sex and a decreased libido may also occur.
Fortunately, not all women will experience these symptoms, nor it is inevitable to suffer them all. Each woman is a different case, which means that the symptoms and their intensity will depend on each one.
The causes of early menopause can be diverse, although in most cases they are unknown. Habits like smoking or drinking alcohol favour the progress, as well as certain genetic disorders (often the problem is hereditary), chromosomal alterations (Turner syndrome), infectious diseases (malaria, chickenpox) or also some autoimmune diseases (hypothyroidism, rheumatoid arthritis). As a result of the menopausal period, women experience an increased risk of osteoporosis.
We advise to go to the gynaecologist when the first symptoms occur. We are in favour of making a hormone replacement therapy up to, at least, 50 years old, which is the average age of menopause in Spain.
It is also very important to maintain a healthy and balanced diet with a proper calcium intake, avoid alcohol, tobacco, moderate coffee consumption and practice sport two or three times a week (better if it can be outdoors).