Sofia turned 3 months on February 3rd. She is an adorable, good, awake and intelligent girl; she weighs 6 kg and measures 61.5 cm. She is growing well and she makes happier and happier each day. I often think of all our trips to Barcelona to fulfill our dream, in all the times that you have encouraged and supported us to get here. Seeing her smile when I look at her is the most beautiful thing in the world. I would love to speak with Dr. Moffa to express her my gratitude and affection. I usually think of the beautiful gesture of the donors; I do not know if they can fully understand the beauty of it, giving life and joy to those who, like me, no longer had this opportunity. I would like you to tell the woman who has given us her love, that we are grateful for her great act of generosity and for the life she has given us, now full of happiness with Sofia. I wanted to thank you and the donor again for everything and for having granted us this opportunity, giving us what I could no longer have by myself. She will always be in my thoughts and in my heart, like all of you! Surely we will come to see you as soon as we can travel safely with the girl after having given her the first vaccines.