According to the latest data, Catalonia is the destination where reproductive treatments are increasing the most.
In the last 10 years, Catalonia has experienced the biggest annual increase in reproductive treatments worldwide. This is due to two facts:
The high number of patients, from more the 50 countries, that come because our legislation is more liberal and allows them to undergo treatments that are not permitted, or of difficult access, in their countries, e.g. sperm, egg, embryo donation or the PGD technique.
The quality of assistance, the high success rates in treatments and the clinics’ infrastructure. Official data of FIV-CAT proves that big investments have been made, in the private sector, towards technology and research. The annual report of FIV-CAT shows important differences in the results, being much better on the biggest centers, because we rely on more economic and human resources, better technologies and more doctors and biologists specialized in the different areas.