Embryo Implantation Failure

An accurate diagnosis is key to achieving success in every Assisted Reproduction treatment.  Assessing factors such as male fertility and studying the results of the tests in depth can, for example, prevent cases of embryo implantation failure.

Dr Borja Marquès presented at the 2nd Virtual Fertility Conference, organised by Fertypharm, a clinical case of a heterosexual couple who had unsuccessfully tried several treatments but, finally, achieved pregnancy thanks to the Preimplantation Genetic Test of their embryos. PGT is especially recommended for patients with fertility issues caused by maternal age over 37 years old, as in this case. It is also indicated in cases of recurrent miscarriages, repeated failures in In Vitro Fertilisation cycles, infertility due to the male factor or when there are hereditary genetic diseases.

Experience with people who have endured treatment failures indicates that re-evaluating the diagnosis may uncover factors that had not been taken into account. This may be the case, for example, with the male factor, as some alterations that may seem unimportant at first may reveal the cause of recurrent implantation failure. It should be remembered that the male factor (male infertility) is associated with more than 50% of cases of infertility in a couple: in 30% of cases it is solely responsible and in the remaining 20% it is combined with a female factor.

The choice of the necessary tests and complementary techniques such as PGT can resolve particularly difficult cases. In his talk, Dr. Borja Marquès stressed that opting for tests and treatments without proven clinical evidence can delay the correct treatment and cause unnecessary stress or risks.

Caso clínico: Fallo de implantación embrionaria - Dr. Borja Marquès / Fertypharm (CONCLUSIONES)