Tonight, while trying to sleep, I felt the need to say a few words to you; I don’t know if these will come into your hands or stay in this document, but I have felt that impulse. My life, luckily or unfortunately, (I have learned a lot) has not always been easy, but I have always gone over myself, obtaining more strength, inner wisdom and conscience.
In this case, life once again placed some obstacle in our project (my husband’s and mine) to start a family, but this situation has given us strength, union, love, trust and support. and it has caused us to create an invincible tandem to face this new stage that will come into our lives.
And here you come into play: we can only thank you for being someone that gave us light and hope on this path of motherhood / fatherhood. Thanks to you we are closer to achieving it. In my way of thinking, coincidences do not exist and life has put you on our way (although anonymously) to make our dream come true.
I bless the moment you took this decision, for whatever reason, but thanks to this action, we might finally be able to create our own family. We only have to thank you again for your mission in this action.