Institut Marquès, the FC Barcelona of fertility clinics
Without mincing words, this has to be the best fertility clinic there is (there, I said it. You’re free to disagree with me, it still doesn’t change anything). I call them the FC Barcelona of fertility clinics. But, unlike the other FC Barcelona that have only one Messi, this particular FC Barcelona have a team made up of many “Messis”, both at their branch in Clane and at their headquarters in Barcelona. I and my partner owe our twin baby boys to their efficiency and professionalism.
Our profound gratitudes go to these “Messis” who played one part or the other to make sure our dreams become a reality; Dr. Edgar Mocanu, Dr. Osman Shamoun, Dr. Veronique Moens, Dr. Trigas, to mention but a few.
Our thanks also go to the several other unsung “Messis” who contributed their own quota behind the scenes in actualisation of these dreams. People like Florence, Anissa, Katie Cassidy and Sonya Johnson at Clane. Not forgetting the very efficient and professional lab technicians and staff who always go about their duties with a smile on their faces.
I can’t thank you guys enough and I also cannot recommend this clinic highly enough.
Carl, Katie, Aiden and Ian
(Dublin, November 2018)