Good news in times of pandemic: Our results are improving every day
The health authorities audit our results every year, but internally we analyse success rates on a month-to-month basis. We do this monitoring carefully and in recent months we have seen that, at our centre in Barcelona, we are improving them extraordinarily every day. If we analyse the pregnancies achieved by each embryo transfer or insemination, we have achieved spectacular figures in all the treatments.
*Results per embryo transfer
The secret is the continuous innovation
The success rates of an Assisted Reproduction Clinic depend on many factors. These are points that patients should take into account when choosing a centre:
The individualisation of treatments: In addition to a good relationship between the doctor and the patient, it is essential that the centre has a good medical team. In this way, the most complex cases are discussed in clinical sessions in order to choose the most appropriate treatment. It is extremely important to have specialised diagnostic units and an Andrology service that always takes the male patient into account when making a diagnosis.
To offer all the necessary complementary techniques: These techniques increase exponentially the probabilities of success of the treatment.
Our own gamete bank: When it is necessary to resort to egg and/or sperm donation, having an own gamete bank is a guarantee when, for example, scheduling treatment without freezing the eggs or when choosing the most suitable donor for each case.