
Triple XXX syndrome is characterised by a trisomy X (extra X chromosomes).


This syndrome is detected in 1 of every 2,000 girls born.

As in Down syndrome, the risk increases with the age of the woman: at 37 years, the risk of a baby born with the syndrome is 1 in 1250 and this continues to increase as maternal age advances.

Clinical aspects

Women with Triple X syndrome have almost no complications. They are generally taller and have normal intelligence although they have a very high probability of having problems in language and speech that can cause delays in social skills and learning. They are fertile women.

Genetic aspects

Triple X syndrome is due to the presence of an extra X chromosome in each cell. The total number of chromosomes is 47 per cell.

This syndrome appears sporadically and is not inherited since the problem is generated at the time of germ cell formation due to an error in cell division called “non-disjunction”. In these cases the ovum or the sperm have an extra X chromosome and gives rise to an embryo with three X chromosomes.

The vast majority of these cases present all their altered cells (47, XXX) but some women with triple X syndrome are mosaics presenting part of their normal cells 46 XX and other 47 XXX or 45 XO / 47XXX.

Frequently the extra X chromosome is of maternal origin; therefore, the error of “non-disjunction” in the egg is more frequent than in the sperm.

Reproductive options: Preimplantation genetic diagnosis

Approximately 75% of 47XXX women are fertile. If there is involvement in the germ line (ovaries) there may be an increase in chromosomal abnormalities in the eggs.
To determine if such affectation exists, it is necessary to carry out a Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis to study and select those embryos that have the correct chromosome endowment.

Are you a carrier of triple X syndrome and want to know if it can affect achieving a pregnancy?

If you wish, you can contact us and we will offer you more information on how Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis can help you prevent the birth of children affected by this syndrome.

Institut Marquès offers you the best medical team and the most advanced technology to help you achieve your dream. Inquire about your case.

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