Institut Marquès has discovered that looking at the smartphone improves the pregnancy rates
Watching the images of the embryos through the Embryomobile increases up to an 11% the pregnancy rates of patients who have undergone an In-Vitro fertilisation cycle and an embryo transfer
Did you know that monitoring your embryos from your smartphone could increase up to an 11% the pregnancy rates? This is the conclusion of the scientific study from Institut Marquès that
has been presented at several scientific congresses in Europe, including the 21st Journées Nationales de la Société de Médecine de la Reproduction (SMR), where Institut Marquès’ abstract has once again been selected among the 3 best of the year.
This retrospective study proves that watching the images of the embryos through the Embryomobile increases up to an 11% the pregnancy rates of patients who have undergone an In-Vitro fertilisation cycle and an embryo transfer. The rates increase directly in a proportional way to the number of times that patients connect to be with their embryos.
Embryomobile is an example of transparency. It is an innovative application that allows patients to watch in real time, 24 hours a day, the development of their own embryos in the incubator, Embryoscope, using their smartphones. The follow-up can take place from home or from anywhere else in the same way as the embryologists do, from the very first moment of the fertilisation until the transfer to the mother’s uterus, which happens five days later.
Emotional connection
The research was carried out with 934 participants, who were distributed in 5 groups, according to the total number of visualisations (from 0 to over 30). It was observed, that as the amount of times that they watched their embryos increased, the pregnancy rate increased as well: they reached a 72.3% in those patients that exceeded 30 visualizations versus 61% among those who did not monitor their embryos at all. The improvement of the uterus receptivity could be explained by the emotional connection that a woman has with her embryos if she can watch them daily before the transfer.
The study also unveils for the first time the impact of emotions on the outcome of assisted reproduction treatments. “For the first time we have discovered something that can help patients improve their pregnancy rates in IVF treatments”, states Dr Marisa López- Teijón, Director of Institut Marquès.