Institut Marquès presenta al Congrés de la Societat Europea de Reproducció Humana i Embriologia (ESHRE) els seus últims treballs científics.
Participem en el congrés anual de l’ESHRE amb sis pòsters:
Endocrine disrupting toxic chemical affect the development of the male reproductive system but do not appear to affect the female reproductive system
Patient’s pregnancy rates after IVF fresh embryo transfer positively correlates to the number of visual connections to live blastocyst development images of own embryos
Ambient light intensity and wavelength in the IVF laboratory does not affect life birth rates
Air quality oscillations inside the IVF laboratory do not affect clinical outcomes
Assisted hatching does not improve live birth rates, a prospective double-blinded randomized study
Multinucleationand reverse cleavage, sings of early embryo self-repair mechanisms