La qualitat de les publicacions anuals que realitzen els nostres metges fa possible que la seva difusió sigui notable. Les publicacions científiques de la Dra. Marisa López-Teijón, Directora de l’Institut Marquès, han aconseguit un Índex d’Impacte (31,40) que la situa entre els millors investigadors: La puntuació que li atorga la plataforma científica Research Gate la situa per sobre del 90% de percentil. Amb 54 articles publicats, el seu treball ha estat citat en 359 ocasions amb prop de 4.733 lectures. Segons la plataforma científica Research Gate es troba situada entre el 10% dels científics més rellevants del món. Al 2019 va ser premiada com a Metge de l’any en Reproducció Assistida.
Les nostres últimes publicacions són:
Human Reproduction, Volume 36, Issue Supplement_1, July 2021. García, F; Montalvo,V; García-Faura, A; Marquès, B;. López-Teijón, M. “Endocrine disrupting toxic chemical affect the development of the male reproductive system but do not appear to affect the female reproductive system”. 37th Annual Meeting of ESHRE 26 junio-1 julio 2021.
Human Reproduction, Volume 36, Issue Supplement_1, July 2021. Montalvo,V; Massó, J; García-Faura, A;. Marquès, B;. López-Teijón, M. “Assisted hatching does not improve live birth rates, a prospective double-blinded randomized study”. 37th Annual Meeting of ESHRE 26 junio-1 julio 2021.
Human Reproduction, Volume 36, Issue Supplement_1, July 2021. Montalvo,V; Massó, J; García-Faura, A;. Marquès, B;. López-Teijón, M.. “Air quality oscillations inside the IVF laboratory do not affect clinical outcomes”. 37th Annual Meeting of ESHRE 26 junio-1 julio 2021.
Human Reproduction, Volume 36, Issue Supplement_1, July 2021. Farreras,A;. Montalvo,V; Massó, J; García-Faura, A;. Marquès, B;. López-Teijón, M. “Ambient light intensity and wavelength in the IVF laboratory does not affect life birth rates”. 37th Annual Meeting of ESHRE 26 junio-1 julio 2021.
Human Reproduction, Volume 36, Issue Supplement_1, July 2021. García, F; Montalvo,V; García-Faura, A;. Marquès, B;. López-Teijón, M. “Patient’s pregnancy rates after IVF fresh embryo transfer positively correlates to the number of visual connections to live blastocyst development images of own embryos”. 37th Annual Meeting of ESHRE 26 junio-1 julio 2021.
Human Reproduction, Volume 36, Issue Supplement_1, July 2021 Munuera,A; Montalvo,V; Massó, J; García-Faura, A;. Marquès, B;. López-Teijón, M. “Multinucleation and reverse cleavage, sings of early embryo self-repair mechanisms” 37th Annual Meeting of ESHRE 26 junio-1 julio 2021.
F. García. Ponente en la Conferencia: SARS Cov2: ¿Impacto en el sistema reproductivo masculino? 1as Jornadas Virtuales Grupos de Interés SEF. 19 y 20 de mayo de 2021.
López-Teijón. M. Ponente Invitada: 1eras Jornadas Virtuales en Fertilidad Fertypharm. 28 y 29 septiembre 2021.
F. García. Ponente Mesa 2. XV Reunión Ibérica: SARS-CoV-2: ¿Impacto en el sistema reproductivo masculino? 20 Congreso Nacional de Andrología y XV Reunión Ibérica. 21-23 de octubre de 2021. Madrid.
F. García. Ponente Mesa. Fragmentación del ADN Espermático. ¿Cuándo pedirla?, ¿Cómo tratarla? 20 Congreso Nacional de Andrología. 20 Congreso Nacional de Andrología y XV Reunión Ibérica. 21-23 de octubre de 2021. Madrid. F. García. Ponente Conferencia: Papel del Andrólogo en una Unidad de Infertilidad: ¿Avanzamos? 2º Congreso Nacional Virtual de Urología. 8 al 12 de noviembre 2021
García José, Ferran, G Álvarez González, Juan; Corral Molina, Juan Manuel; Bassas Arnau; Lluís, et al. “SARS-CoV-2 infection: implications for sexual and reproductive health. A position statement of the Asociación Española de Andrología, Medicina Sexual y Reproductiva (ASESA)” DOI: 10.1016/j.androl. Junio 2020.
Munuera,A; Novo,S; Almenara, L; García-Faura; A. Marquès; B. García, F; Castelló, C. López-Teijón, M. “Embryos excluding multinucleated cells during blastocyst formation increase their reproductive potential”. Human Reproduction, Volume 35, Issue Supplement_1, July 2020.
Massó, J; Novo,S.; Moens, V.; García-Faura, A.;Marquès, B.; García, F.; Castelló, C.; López-Teijón, M “Direct cleavage in late stages of embryo progression does not affect in vitro development, ploidy nor the reproductive potential of human embryos”. Human Reproduction, Volume 35, Issue Supplement_1, July 2020.
Encinas, C., Novo, S., Brualla, A., García-Faura, A., Marquès, B., García, F., Castelló, C., López-Teijón, M. “Cleavage biopsy, same results as trophectoderm biopsy but without mosaicism” Human Reproduction, Volume 35, Issue Supplement_1, July 2020.
Lopez-Teijón, M., Walker, V., Castelló, C., Marqués, B., Garcia, F., Novo, S., García-Faura, A. “Analysis of the outcomes chosen by european patients for their surplus embryos, taking into account all possible options available in Spain” Human Reproduction, Volume 35, Issue Supplement_1, July 2020.
Marquès, B., García-Faura, A., Novo, S., García, F., Castelló, C., López-Teijón, M. “How many donor eggs are needed in an egg donation IVF Cycle?” Human Reproduction, Volume 35, Issue Supplement_1, July 2020.
Ferreras, A.,Munuera, A., Freijomil, B., Novo, S., García-Faura, A., Marquès, B., García, F., Castelló, C., López-Teijón, M. “Sperm selection using microfluidic sorting chips in patients with high DNA fragmentation improves clinical outcomes in Egg-Donor Cycles” Human Reproduction, Volume 35, Issue Supplement_1, July 2020.
Montalvo, V., Novo, S., García-Faura, A., Marquès, B., García, F., Castelló C., López-Teijón, M. “Pulling vs Flicking. Does biopsy technique affect clinical outcomes on euploid embryos?” Human Reproduction, Volume 35, Issue Supplement_1, July 2020.
M. Capdevila, S. Novo, J. Massó, M. Solans, B. Freijomil, C. Castelló, M. López-Teijón. “Impact of reverse cleavage on in vitro development and reproductive outcomes of human embryos”. Hum Repr 2019 Jun; 34 (Suppl1): i51
Scarica, V. Montalvo, S. Novo, C. Castelló, M. López-Teijón “Mosaicism in human blastocysts and technical factors of laser trophectoderm biopsy”. Hum Repr 2019 Jun; 34 (Suppl1): i390
V. Montalvo, S. Novo, J. Massó, B. Freijomil, M. Solans, C. Castelló, M. Lopez-Teijon. “Mosaic embryo rate decreases with maternal age but mitotic error remains constant in embryos derived from euploid oocytes.” Hum Repr 2019 Jun; 34 (Suppl1): i377
Freijomil, B. Pujal, A. Munuera, M. Solans, J. Massó, C. Castelló, F. García, M. López-Teijón. “Home sperm freezing kit achieves same sperm quality after thawing” Hum Repr 2019 Jun; 34 (Suppl1): i161
Garcia-Faura, V. Moens, M. Lopez-Teijon. “Fetal facial expression in response to intravaginal emission of different types of music” Ultrasound in Obst & Gyn 2019 Oct; 54(S1): 239